Creating and sustaining a profitable podiatry practice is a challenge, often requiring a considerable investment of time and financial resources. Knowing how to allocate resources to maximize financial return and analyzing effectiveness for patients is a continuous learning cycle. Learn how Dr. Robert Warkala meets this challenge head-on by strategically leveraging technology, such as MLS® Laser Therapy, to innovate patient care.
"This new offering allows us to offer a high quality of care that is predictable, while increasing out bottom line.."
Robert Warkala, DPM
Cornerstone Foot & Ankle
Republished with permission from Podiatry Management Magazine.
No Pain. All gain.
Patented and FDA-cleared MLS® Laser Therapy technology provides:
- Effective relief of pain and inflammation associated with a wide range of conditions
- 85% to 90% efficacy rate
- No risk from surgery or prescription painkillers
- A cash-based modality to generate revenue for your practice
Learn More about the benefits of MLS Laser Therapy to the podiatric practice.