As a method to manage pain and inflammation without pharmaceuticals, physicians are incorporating MLS Laser Therapy into active care plans to maximize long-term benefits to the patient.
Studies have shown that adding laser therapy treatment sessions to stretching and exercise plans shortened recovery times and led to better results, including reduced pain and improved range of motion.
To do so, light energy penetrates the tissue and increases cellular metabolism causing a cascade of different biological effects including antiphlogistic, antiedemic, analgesic, and regenerative and reparative effects.
With these benefits, MLS Laser Therapy can lead to improved function and mobility. This enables the patient to begin physical therapy sooner, excel at their rehabilitation plan, and return to normal activities faster with longer lasting benefits.
As a versatile adjunct therapy, MLS Laser Therapy is appropriate for a wide range of neuromusculoskeletal conditions and can be used to supplement and enhance the effectiveness of other treatments and therapies used in the practice. MLS Laser Therapy has no known side effects and limited contraindications.
Physicians offering laser therapy as a part of active care plans can help their patients achieve better outcomes with smoother recoveries setting them up for long term success.
Learn More about the benefits of MLS Laser Therapy.