Reliable. Consistent. Efficient.
The Robotic M6 MLS® Therapy Laser

As we continue through the circumstances brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses across the country are feeling the squeeze of a labor shortage.
Technologies that satisfy patient demands and improve practice productivity may be the answer to staffing challenges that many private practices are facing.
Robotic M6 MLS® Therapy Laser
The only fully robotic and completely unattended therapy laser.
With a patented emission system and enhanced safety profile, the Robotic M6 MLS Therapy Laser offers unattended, hands-free delivery to improve practice productivity while providing optimal clinical effectiveness in managing pain and inflammation.
Designed to treat patients suffering from pathologies affecting wide tissue areas, the M6 MLS Therapy Laser is the only robotized Class IV therapy laser. The exclusive MLS multi-diodic optical group performs automatic applications to induce an immediate response in the treated tissue.

Why Go Robotic?
The Robotic M6 MLS Therapy Laser’s automatic emission system allows medical practitioners to offer laser therapy to patients without the additional expenses of employing a dedicated technician.
With automatic application and the enhanced safety profile of the M6 MLS Therapy Laser, there is no need for a dedicated technician to operate the machine throughout the treatment session.
This allows doctors and staff to use their time more efficiently by dedicating their attention to the practice services while a patient is receiving their treatment.
The distinctive robotized multi-target function exclusive to the M6 MLS Therapy Laser’s multidiotic optical group allows the later to automatically and evenly scan wide areas to help produce an immediate response from the treated tissues.
By automatically calculating the necessary energy emission based on set parameters, the Robotic M6 MLS Therapy Laser is able to provide consistent and accurate dosing for each patient.
The automatic and even application of laser energy leads to better and more predictable outcomes for patients than stationary and manually operation therapy lasers.
Using the touchscreen display on the backside of the laser, the operator can align the robotic head and specify treatment protocols at a safe distance from the patient.
After protocols are set, the M6 MLS Therapy Laser automatically treats the targeted area without assistance allowing the staff and patients to practice social distancing of 6-feet or more during the treatment session.
With an optimal distance of 8 inches (20 centimeters) from the patient’s skin, the Robotic M6 MLS Therapy Laser eliminates the possibility of physical contact during the treatment session, minimizing contamination concerns.