MLS® Laser Therapy Case Study
Hulk, a rabbit with a leg abscess
Species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years Old
Name: Hulk

Clinical Report
A 4-year-old male ram rabbit weighing 3.7 kg was referred to the clinic due to developing lameness in the right forelimb, associated with the formation of a hot, painful, oedematous round lesion on the 2nd/3rd toe.
A cytological examination of the lesion, which is of abscess origin, and x-rays of the hand are performed in order to identify the extent and depth of the infectious process.
The most indicated therapeutic approach is surgery in order to eliminate the mass.
In preparation for the surgery, an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy is administered, associated with MLS® Laser Therapy to reduce inflammation, oedema and pain.
7 sessions were performed every 24 hours with the program Exotic animals – Mammals «Inflammation (acute)» – on the following points:
- two on the back
- two on the palm.
Surgery was then performed.
Following the pre-operative laser sessions, a thickening of the purulent material was observed, allowing for an easier removal, without external pus leakage and minimal bleeding.
Courtesy of Dr Giordano Nardini Chief Medical Director of the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic, Spilamberto – Modena, Italy