Based on over 30 years of research and development, MLS® Laser Therapy offers physicians a drug-free and non-invasive solution to pain management.
To answer some frequently asked questions about this technology, we spoke with John Knab, MD at the Center of Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine in Wilmington, NC.
Dr. Knab has been offering treatments with the Robotic M6 MLS Therapy Laser since 2019 and provides insight on implementing this modality into the pain management practice.

John Knab, MD
Wilmington, NC
What do patients think of MLS Laser Therapy?
In the beginning, patients at the Center for Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine were largely unfamiliar with laser therapy. Despite initial hesitation, patients quickly grew to embrace the technology.
“The biggest barrier to adding laser therapy is getting it into the office,” explains Dr. Knab. “Once it is in the office, it’s easy to learn and easy to program.”
As the doctors and staff quickly grew confident with the laser, they were better equipped to answer questions, prepare patients for treatments, and set realistic expectations.
Now, their practice sees overwhelming acceptance from patients—some driving up to 2 hours for treatments.
“When patients hear that you are offering minimally-invasive options, they begin asking for it,” emphasizes Dr. Knab.
How does MLS Laser Therapy compare to other options?
When evaluating different treatment options, Dr. Knab emphasizes the importance of considering the patient’s overall health. With no known side effects, MLS Laser Therapy is often a better option compared to alternatives.
“Cortisone injections are very potent. They could cause other problems in the body, ” Dr. Knab points out. With these side effects, this could be a risky option for some patients.
“Shockwave therapy is great, but it’s not right for everybody,” Dr. Knab admits. Some patients may not be able to tolerate the treatment, depending on the severity of pain that they are already experiencing. “Patients undergoing shockwave therapy may also experience a brief flareup in pain before they start feeling better. This is not typically the case with MLS laser therapy.”
Some options, such as PRP and stem cell injections, can be enhanced with the use of laser therapy.
MLS Laser Therapy is the most common adjunct to regenerative procedures at the Center for Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine. Patients receiving PRP and stem cell injections will begin MLS treatments 2 weeks post-injection. This is to help avoid NSAIDS and reduce unnecessary and dysfunctional inflammation.
Is MLS Laser Therapy covered by insurance? Are patients willing to pay cash?
While laser therapy is not covered by insurance, many patients recognize that the benefits are worth the out-of-pocket expense. Especially those looking to avoid invasive surgical procedures and/or minimize their intake of medications.
“Just because something is covered by insurance, doesn’t make it the best thing for the patient,” explains Dr. Knab. “Cost effectiveness is important, but overall patient health and safety is more important.”
However, MLS Laser Therapy can be a more cost effective option than other cash-based treatments, such as PRP and stem cell therapy.
At $75 per treatment session, the Center for Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine is able to keep pricing reasonable and accessible while bringing revenue to the practice.
While treatment plans vary per patient, the typical plan for acute conditions is 2 sessions per week for 2 to 3 weeks. Chronic conditions typically need 3 sessions per week.
Learn more about the benefits of MLS Laser Therapy to the pain management practice.