Optimizing ROI of Laser Services

In the dynamic world of chiropractic care, staying ahead requires a commitment to innovation and a willingness to adapt. For chiropractors considering the addition of laser therapy services to their practice, financial concerns can often be a significant barrier. However, the experience of Dr. Michael D. Kaufman, a seasoned chiropractor practicing in Bothell, WA, illustrates how strategically implementing laser therapy can optimize practice operations and significantly boost revenue.

With over four decades of experience in chiropractic care, Michael Kaufman, DC was initially hesitant about integrating laser therapy into his practice. However, hearing success stories from his patients about their laser therapy experiences at other chiropractic clinics prompted him to reconsider.

“That’s what got me intrigued,” Dr. Kaufman explains, “just watching my own patients go to other clinics for laser therapy and getting great results.” Despite having explored laser technology years ago, it wasn’t until recently that he decided it was time to make the investment. “We purchased two [lasers] initially, and within the month, they were overbooked,” he notes, highlighting the immediate demand for the new service. “I wish I had done this ten years ago because the result was so phenomenal.”

Strategic Integration and Training

A patient receiving laser therapy on his lower back with the M7 MLS Therapy Laser.Dr. Kaufman’s first step in this new venture was comprehensive research and training. Understanding the technology and its applications is crucial.

Recognizing the importance of team involvement, Dr. Kaufman ensured that his staff was fully aligned with the decision. “The best strategy is to get buy-in from all of your staff — your associates, office manager, and therapists. Get everyone to buy in, educate them, and encourage them to get on the therapy and use it,” he advises. This collective enthusiasm was infectious and played a critical role in the successful integration of laser therapy into his practice.

Once everyone was aligned and trained, Dr. Kaufman’s team integrated laser therapy sessions into the existing appointment structure, allowing for a smooth transition. Because laser therapy is administered by staff at his practice, they were able to increase patient volume – without requiring more time from the doctor. Additionally, by designating a specific area of the clinic for laser therapy treatments, setup time was minimized, ensuring that the equipment was always ready for use.

In addition to preparing the clinic for laser services, patient education became a crucial part of the integration. Sharing his own MLS Laser Therapy success story with his patients helps him explain the tangible benefits while building confidence with patients.

“I’ve had chronic pain since college, and I have been getting adjusted three days a week for the last 40 years,” says Kaufman. “Every night I got done working, I was in spasm. Since I started treating myself with the laser, the level of pain that I now have is 80 to 90% less. Adjusting me is so much easier now.”

Financial Benefits and Revenue Growth

The financial impact of incorporating MLS Laser Therapy into Dr. Kaufman’s practice was immediate and substantial. “The first month, I think our billing was $34,000, maybe $39,000. Today, we’re over $50,000 a month,” Dr. Kaufman shares.

Patients are willing to pay a premium for laser therapy, recognizing its benefits for pain and inflammation. “I have a patient who gets a cortisone injection every six months in his low back. One laser therapy treatment was so effective that he hasn’t needed an injection in over six months,” Dr. Kaufman recalls.

Offering advanced laser therapy set Dr. Kaufman’s practice apart from competitors. “The enthusiasm level with some of our chronic patients who have gotten great relief solidifies that we’re the leader in the community. We’re the leader among any doctor they’ve gone to for pain relief,” he notes.

The Role of Robotic Technologies

One of the standout features of the MLS Therapy Laser is its robotic delivery system. Dr. Kaufman emphasizes how this innovation enhanced the overall efficiency and effectiveness of treatments. “The robotic technology ensures precise delivery of laser doses, which is critical for achieving optimal therapeutic outcomes. It also reduces the manual workload on my staff, allowing them to focus more on patient care,” he explains.

By embracing innovation, investing in training, and strategically integrating new technologies, chiropractors can optimize their operations and achieve significant financial growth.

“Evaluate your purpose and give the best care possible. Laser therapy is no longer a question of whether it works. It’s a question of if you want to add the next level of pain management to your practice before your neighbor,” Dr. Kaufman says. By following best practices in implementation and management, chiropractors can not only enhance their practice but also set the pace for innovation in their field.

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