MLS® Laser Therapy Case Study
Speedy, a Turtle with Ear Abscess
Species: Testudo Graeca
Gender: Male
Age: 12 years old
Weight: 400g

Clinical Case
A specimen of Testudo graeca is referred to the clinic due to the presence of two symmetrical bilateral neoformations of about 1.5 cm in diameter, non-ulcerated, non-reducible, located in the auricular regions. A cytological examination obtained by needle insertion shows the presence of necrosis and of degenerated heterophilic granulocytes.
The diagnosis is pyogranulomatous inflammation (infection). The therapeutic approach involved the surgical enucleation of the granulomas under general anaesthesia and the administration of enrofloxacin (antibiotic) subcutaneously at 5 mg/kg per day.
MLS Laser Therapy was performed to reduce inflammation, oedema and pain.
The “abscess” program (exotic animals>reptiles) envisaged the point application: 2 points, 1 for each ear.
The protocol was performed for 10 sessions spaced out by 24h each.
After 10 days of treatment there was a significant improvement in the vascularisation of the area affected by necrosis and a reduction in the inflammatory oedema. The necrotic tissue was replaced by new granulation tissue and the lesions began to re-epithelialize until complete healing occurred 60 days after the first application.
Courtesy of Dr Giordano Nardini Chief Medical Director of the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic, Spilamberto – Modena, Italy