We had the pleasure of joining M. Scott White, DC in a live webinar hosted by Dynamic Chiropractic. We wanted to take some time to review his answers to all of the questions that our chiropractic audience had during the presentation.
Can you speak to why a class 4 laser is safer, more effective, etc. than a low level laser?
M. SCOTT WHITE, DC: Obviously there’s therapeutic benefit to all laser therapy, in the wavelengths where we see positive changes. What I can tell you is just like Einstein talked about with quantum physics; photons, wow, they’re spooky things at a distance in the way they act. What I’m telling you is based on 13 years of experience, MLS Laser Therapy creates no heat, and it’s all computerized. I can tell you it’s completely safe, I’ve done about 300 laser procedures a day and never hurt anybody with it. So, if using class 2 lasers is all about ‘hey I don’t want to hurt anybody’, I could understand the concern if we’re talking about these high powered lasers that create a lot of heat and could burn someone, but the MLS Cutting Edge product won’t do that.”
Can you specify what 'robotic' laser means?
M. SCOTT WHITE, DC: “You have a series of buttons and you can change the settings on the machine, it’s a true robot – I mean you set it to cover the area you want covered. You can set the head of the laser to move in preset positions, which only takes a moment to do… It’s a beam about the size of a softball that moves back and forth across the area. You can set the actual pattern of the laser and walk out of the room… So basically the robot is a true robot! You push buttons and set it to where it’s going to move and where you want it to, then you push the button to start the laser and you walk out of the room. ”
Are there any reimbursable codes for laser therapy?
M. SCOTT WHITE, DC: “I hope not! I’m sure there are a bunch of different ways to classify laser therapy under a code, but I don’t know what it is and I don’t want to know! To have an unattended laser, like the Cutting Edge Robotic Laser, to my knowledge there is no code. You could probably use a code; but doctors, here’s what we need to understand here, what you have in your hands is an important incredible tool that people will pay a lot for, and if you’re talking about insurance reimbursements you probably didn’t get what I said!
What I’m saying is this: I’m glad insurance doesn’t cover it, thank god for it! It’s all about helping people, it’s all about providing to them… and Cutting Edge can show you how to make it work– they’ve got all sorts of things online, teaching modules etc. to show you how to sell these cases. Cash is really the way to go because you get paid for your services- and paid what it’s worth!”
Do you set your own treatment protocols for the MLS Laser, or follow the suggested recipe book from Cutting Edge?
M. SCOTT WHITE, DC: “It’s all preset, and you can add other things if you want, but it is preset in the computer. So, I can pick ‘knee arthritis.’ I can pick ‘neuropathy,’ I can pick all types of different conditions… based off Cutting Edge’s studies, they’ve preset these settings. I can’t speak for other companies but when you work with Cutting Edge, they’ll send someone out to you and supply all the protocol for you… I have certainly adapted some of those, but I do use their preset settings that are in the computer already as well.”
What's your experience with marketing the laser prior to the first visit, and during the initial visit?
M. SCOTT WHITE, DC: “Whatever you’re doing with your regular chiropractic, keep doing it. If you want a boat load of patients to come in, FaceBook ads for ‘Robotic Laser’… for knees and neuropathy. Those are the two niches, and you’d be doing such an incredible service in your area to get these patients in!” Doctor White tells us he sees about 30-100 leads a month when running an advertising program through his marketing partner.
“Here’s what I say, when I talk to the leads: ‘Hey, this is Doctor White – you found me on Facebook by filling out a contact form and told me a little about your knee pain. I treat knee problems like yours, but I don’t usually do the shots anymore and I don’t do drugs or surgery, I use a deep tissue robotic laser to cause cell regeneration. It’s an amazing procedure with no negative side effects, and IT DOESN’T HURT. We don’t have to stick you with any needles!”
Doctor White goes on to explain how he usually conducts the initial visit and first two laser treatments for free. “A lot of people see a change even after the first one,” White explains. “Typically, people move forward with the treatments and after 4-6 treatments start to feel better, and then as the treatments go on things seem to just keep getting better and better, and better! Once we get to the point where we get them feeling a lot better, without pain and swelling, then what I do is give them a one-year warranty so if they have any issues they call and come right back in. If you go with Facebook and do what I told you I’m telling you, you will have a steady stream of patients.”
Do you always use it on skin only, or is clothing allowed to be worn still?
M. SCOTT WHITE, DC: “No, you don’t do it over clothing. The patient will have a bare area for treatment, and you position the robotic laser head about 8 inches away from the target area.”
What are some treatment package examples?
M. SCOTT WHITE, DC: “For knee and Neuropathy patients, they both come in two times a week and there is a ten-minute treatment done on the knee. If the patient comes in with bi-lateral things for the neuropathy then I’ll do ten minutes on each foot. A lot of people see change after the first initial treatment and that’s an incredible thing! Usually after the 13th-14th visit I’ll start spacing them out, do once a week for a couple of weeks, then every two weeks and so-on.”
Have more questions? We have answers!
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