Medco Forum: MLS Laser Therapy Boosts Traffic, Improves Treatment, with Safe, Effective Pain Management, Wound Healing and Post-surgical Recovery

In this article Joanne Klingele, DVM, reviews how MLS Laser Therapy:

  • Boosts traffic
  • Improves treatment with safe, effective pain management.
  • Speeds up recovery post-surgery and wound healing.

Laser Therapy, the fastest growing modality within the veterinary market, will allow you to expand your service offerings while adding profit to your practice!

Laser Therapy, the fastest growing modality within the veterinary market, will allow you to expand your service offerings while adding profit to your practice!

MLS® Laser Therapy, a Class IV technology, provides… 
• Effective treatment of painful and debilitating conditions
• Patient safety without the risk of collateral tissue damage
• A patented pulse pattern delivering unparalleled clinical results

Learn More about the benefits of MLS Laser Therapy.

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Tom, a Bracco Italiano with a Trauma Wound to the Left Knee

Tom suffered an injury during a hunt, probably due to hitting a stone or a branch. Tom underwent surgery, but because of the extent and the position of the wound, and because of the owners’ lack of attention during the post-op phase, the wound reopened. Read how MLS Laser Therapy helped reheal his post-op wound

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