Laser Therapy in the Management of Neuropathic Pain
This case series reports on the use of MLS-MiS in the management of 43 cases of neuropathic pain localized in different anatomical areas.
This case series reports on the use of MLS-MiS in the management of 43 cases of neuropathic pain localized in different anatomical areas.
Dr. Pankonin specializes in three niches: chronic knee pain, chronic neck or low back pain, and peripheral neuropathy. This eBook explores how Dr. Pankonin has used these niches and MLS Laser Therapy to grow his practice.
This case report observes the efficacy and safety of the MLS Therapy Laser in a case of chronic diabetic ulcer.
This study sheds light on molecular definition of NIR neuroprotective mechanisms, thus underlining the potential benefit of this technique for the treatment of cerebral ischemia.
The aim of the article is to give an overview of the field of Low Level Laser Therapy. This paper summarizes the most important applications and mechanisms underlying the effects of low level laser.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the multiwave locked system laser therapy on the regeneration of peripheral nerve injuries by evaluating the functional, electrophysiological, and morphological changes of the crushed sciatic nerve in Wistar rats.
Dr. Kile Kaspar, DC reviews photobiomodulation research and multiple case studies from her practice while discussing how robotic laser therapy technologies can improve clinical outcomes and practice profitability.
Dr. Elisa Kavanagh combines traditional treatment methods with innovative technologies to create comprehensive treatment plans for dancers, performers and athletes in the New York City area.
MLS Laser Therapy transforms the way private medical practices increase revenue without sacrificing time and expenses.
Researchers investigated the effect of a Multiwave Locked System laser (with a simultaneous 808 nm continuous emission and 905 nm pulse emission) on the spinal cord after spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats.
Experts expect tremendous growth in alternative pain management approaches as providers and patients become more considerate of the potential risks of opioids.
This study investigates the pain relieving and protective effect of Photobiomodulation Therapy in a rat model of compressive mononeuropathy induced by Chronic Constriction Injury of the sciatic nerve (CCI).
As a viable, nonpharmacological modality, MLS Laser Therapy can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with common football injuries, helping players get back on the field quickly while minimizing the use of opioids and other prescription pain relivers.
An athletes is treated for muscle contracture using MLS Laser Therapy.
Priya Parthasarathy, DPM, DABPM, FASPS reviews regenerative medicine techniques including PRP, stem cell, and MLS Laser Therapy.
An overview of patient retention tips and the importance of patient retention to practice success.
An overview of Electronic Health Records including benefits, drawbacks, and differences between Basic EHR systems and Certified EHR systems.
An overview of MLS technology and its application to laser therapy.
This extensive review of published articles supports the consideration of laser technology for treatment of severe nerve injury.