Case Studies
MLS Laser Therapy Case Studies in Veterinary Medicine

Milky, a Maltese with Idiopathic Head Tremor Syndrome
MLS Laser Therapy played a role in relieving involuntary tremors, alongside other therapies.

Speedy, a Turtle with Ear Abscess
MLS Laser Therapy is used to reduce post-operative pain and inflammation after the removal of an abscess.

Junior, a Quarter Horse with Wound Dehiscence
MLS Laser Therapy is used post-operatively to combat wound dehiscence in a Quarter Horse.

Anis, Dog with Paraparesis Due to Accident
Laser acupuncture using an MLS Therapy Laser device helps a mixed-breed dog recover from paraparesis after a motorcycle accident.

Dory, a Goldfish with Bacterial Granuloma
A goldfish receives MLS Laser Therapy to treat bacterial granuloma, showing significant improvement after 5 days of treatment.

Niki, a German Shepherd with a Lacerated and Contused Wound of Traumatic Origin
MLS Laser Therapy heals a contused and necrotic wound of a German Shepherd.

Tom, a Bracco Italiano with a Trauma Wound to the Left Knee
MLS Laser Therapy helps aids in the healing of a difficult post-op wounds in a Bracco Italiano.

Angie, Labrador Retriever with Hip Dysplasia
Angie. a 10-year-old Labrador Retriever was experiencing poor mobility and reluctance to exercise because of hip dysplasia. Angie was treated with MLS Laser Therapy and saw improved mobility and less pain.

Percy, Treatment of Infected Bite Wounds
During a walk, Percy was attacked by a big size dog and was bitten several times in the lower back, hips and legs. MLS® Laser Therapy expedited his healing.

Ryan, Mixed Breed Dog, MLS Treatment of Infected Traumatic Injury
Ryan, a mixed breed dog, suffered a severely injured left foreleg, likely due to a trap. After MLS Laser Therapy, nearly complete healing was observed and he went home after three days.

Dusky, Newfoundland with Hip Arthrosis and Back Pain
Dusky, a 12 year old newfoundland, was unable to walk due to back pain and hip arthrosis. After a two week protocol of hydrotherapy and MLS® Laser Therapy, she found relief.

French Bulldog with Bedsores
A disc herniation in the lumbary tract, between L1 and L2 caused paresis, that led to bedsores. The french bulldog was treated with M-Vet MLS Laser Therapy and sores healed.

Tuchka, Weimaraner with Angioedema
Tuchka presented progressive and increasing swelling. Immediately after the first MLS® Laser Therapy treatment, Tuchka began to feel better and her breathing and swallowing improved.After the third treatment she was discharged and returned home.

Boghi, a Pomeranian with Alopecia X
Boghi came to the clinic with alopecia. Treated exclusively with MLS® Laser Therapy using an M-VET device, Boghi achieved even and regular hair growth.

Fooki, a Cat with Abdominal Injuries Caused by MRSA
After MLS Laser Therapy treatment for pain and edema, Fooki’s wounds healed.

Artemis, a Labrador Retriever with Tetraparesis and Pressure Ulcers
After MLS Laser Therapy treatment for tetraparesis, Artemis returned home on her legs.

Preliminary Data on the Efficacy of Multi-wave (Multi-wavelength) Diode Laser on Bacteria in Superficial Canine Pyoderma.
This study confirmed that a single application of MLS Laser Therapy significantly reduces the microbial load typical of superficial canine pyoderma lesions.

Enton, Weimaraner with Paraplegia from Spinal Disc Herniation
After a car accident, Enton was treated using MLS Laser Therapy for 7 days, combined with hydrotherapy and exercise.