Veterinary Knowledge Center
Efficacy of Multi-wave Locked System Laser Therapy on Nerve Regeneration After Crushing in Wister Rats
The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the multiwave locked system laser therapy on the regeneration of peripheral nerve injuries by evaluating the functional, electrophysiological, and morphological changes of the crushed sciatic nerve in Wistar rats.
Zeppelin, a Jack Russell Terrier with Bite Injuries
Zeppelin was bit by another dog during a walk. MLS Laser Therapy was used to assist in the healing process.
2023 Veterinary Market Outlook
The 2023 Veterinary Market Outlook outlines a multitude of practice management challenges that veterinary professionals are facing.
The Effect of 808 nm and 905 nm Wavelength Light on Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury
Researchers investigated the effect of a Multiwave Locked System laser (with a simultaneous 808 nm continuous emission and 905 nm pulse emission) on the spinal cord after spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats.
Making a Difference with Cleo a Diabetic Alert Dog
Diabetic Alert Dogs are trained to detect drops in blood sugar through smelling compounds that are released from a person’s body when glucose levels are too low. This allows a person to take action to correct their blood sugar levels before they reach dangerous levels.
Lexi, a Labrador with Chronic Lameness and Severe Paresis
Lexi, was brought in suffering from lameness and paresis. MLS Laser Therapy with the acupuncture tip was used to treat the conditions.
Back to the Basics: Veterinary Corporations and Consolidation
An overview of veterinary consolidation and their impact on the veterinary industry.
Effect of NIR Laser Therapy by MLS-MiS Source Against Neuropathic Pain in Rats: In Vivo and Ex Vivo Analysis
This study investigates the pain relieving and protective effect of Photobiomodulation Therapy in a rat model of compressive mononeuropathy induced by Chronic Constriction Injury of the sciatic nerve (CCI).
Hulk, a Rabbit with Leg Abscess
Hulk, a rabbit was brought in with an abscess. MLS Laser Therapy was used to reduce pain, inflammation and oedema.
Mamy, a Cat with a Lacerated Leg Wound
Mamy was brought in with a lacerated leg wound. MLS Laser Therapy was used to heal the wound over time.
Fields of Application and Effects of Laser Therapy in Veterinary: an Overview of Case Reports
In recent years, the use of laser therapy has had a significant expansion in the veterinary field. This article provides an overview of the impact of MLS Laser Therapy in the veterinary field.
Dago, Pet Rabbit with Pododermatitis
Dago had a third degree pododermatitis of the left hind leg. Dago received MLS Laser Therapy to assist in the healing process.
Back to the Basics: Veterinary Technicians and Assistants
An overview of the veterinary technician and assistant professions including certifications, responsibilities, and an outlook on the profession.
Jacinto, a White Swiss Shepherd Dog with a Left Elbow Fracture
Jacinto had a Salter-Harris fracture to the left elbow. He had orthopaedic surgery and a screw was used to reduce the fracture. As two months later the fracture did not heal, Jacinto began MLS® Laser Therapy sessions.
Back to the Basics: Veterinary Therapeutic Solutions Comparison
A comparison of the therapeutic solutions including MLS Laser Therapy and Magnetotherapy.
Use of Acupuncture in Combination with MLS Laser Therapy in Aged Dogs with Osteoarthritis: three clinical cases
Overview of three clinical cases using MLS Laser Therapy and acupuncture to treat osteoarthritis in aged dogs.
Back to the Basics: Veterinary Surgical Laser Comparison
A comparison of CO2 and Diode veterinary surgical lasers.
Back to the Basics: Multiwave Locked System (MLS®) Laser Therapy
An overview of MLS technology and its application to laser therapy.
Romeo, a Cat with a Fractured Left Femur and a Severely Injured Right Leg
Romeo suffered a fracture of the left and severe soft tissue impairment of the end of the right leg. An operation was performed to reduce the fracture and suture the wound on the right leg. After surgery MLS was used to treat the wound on the right leg.
Pet Separation Anxiety
A spike in separation anxiety cases since the onset of COVID-19 is pushing veterinarians to better understand the causes, symptoms, and impact it can have on the wellbeing of pets.